GDPR - personal data protection Hotel Zlatý Lev

Principles of personal data processing and protection - GDPR

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Administrator. The administrator determined the scope, purpose and time of personal data processing in individual agendas in accordance with the legal basis of processing. The processing is carried out in its establishments and headquarters by individual authorized employees of the Administrator, or processor. The processing takes place through computer technology, or also manually for personal data in paper form, subject to compliance with all security principles for the management and processing of personal data. For this purpose, the Administrator has taken technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of personal data, in particular measures to prevent unauthorized or accidental access to personal data, their change, destruction or loss, unauthorized transfers, their unauthorized processing, as well as other misuse of personal data. All entities to which personal data may be made available respect the data subjects' right to privacy protection and are obliged to proceed in accordance with applicable legal regulations regarding the protection of personal data. During the processing of personal data by the Administrator, there is no automated decision-making within the meaning of Article 22 of the GDPR.

Rights of data subjects
In accordance with the GDPR, the subject of personal data has the following rights. In the case of rights vis-à-vis the Controller, the data subject is entitled to exercise them at the contact addresses listed in Article 1 of these Principles.

1. Right of access to personal data
Pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to access personal data, which includes the right to obtain information from the Controller as to whether personal data relating to him or her are being processed or not, and if so thus, has the right to gain access to this personal data and information on:

a) purposes of processing
b) categories of personal data concerned
c) recipients to whom personal data have been or will be made available
d) planned time of processing
e) existence of the right to request correction or deletion from the Administrator of personal data concerning the data subject or restriction of their processing or to object to such processing
f) the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority
g) all available information about the source of the personal data, if not obtained from the data subject
h) the fact that automated decision-making is taking place, including profiling
i) suitable guarantees when transferring data outside the EU

In the event that the rights and freedoms of other persons are not adversely affected, the data subject also has the right to request a copy of the processed personal data. In the event of a repeated request, the Administrator is entitled to charge a reasonable fee for a copy of personal data.

2. The right to correct inaccurate data
Pursuant to Article 16 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to correct inaccurate or complete incomplete personal data processed by the Controller. The data subject has the obligation to notify changes to his personal data and to document that such a change has occurred. At the same time, he is obliged to cooperate with the Administrator if it is found that the personal data he is processing about him is not accurate.

3. Right to erasure
According to Article 17 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to erasure of personal data concerning him, except in cases where the Administrator proves any of the legal bases for the processing of this personal data.

4. Right to restriction of processing
According to Article 18 GDPR, the data subject has the right to restriction of processing, until the resolution of the complaint or objection, if he denies the accuracy of personal data, the reasons for their processing or if he files an objection against their processing. If the processing has been restricted, the subject personal data, with the exception of their storage, may only be processed with the consent of the data subject, or for the purpose of determining, exercising or defending legal claims, for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important EU public interest or one of its member states.

5. Administrator's notification obligation
In the case of correction, deletion or restriction of personal data processing, the Administrator has the obligation according to Article 19 of the GDPR to inform individual recipients of personal data about this fact, except in cases where this proves to be impossible or requires disproportionate effort. Based on the request of the data subject, the Administrator of the data subject will provide information about these recipients.

6. Right to portability of personal data
Article. 20 GDPR establishes the right of the data subject to the portability of data concerning him and which he has provided to the Controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to request the Controller to transfer this data to another controller, in the event that personal data has been processed on the basis of the conclusion and fulfillment of the contract or on the basis of the consent of the data subject and their processing is carried out automatically. In the event that the exercise of this right could adversely affect the rights and freedoms of third parties, such a request cannot be granted.

7. The right to object to the processing of personal data
According to Article 21 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to object to the processing of his personal data due to the legitimate interest of the Controller. In the event that the Administrator does not prove that there are serious legitimate reasons for the processing that outweigh the interests or rights and freedoms of the data subject, the Administrator will immediately limit the processing based on the objection.

8. The right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data
Consent to the processing of personal data can be revoked at any time. It is necessary to make the appeal explicit, understandable and a certain manifestation of the will of the identified data subject. The processing of data from cookies is limited by the data subject unilaterally by setting the web browser of the data subject.

9. The right to be informed of a breach of personal data security
Pursuant to Article 34 of the GDPR, the data subject has the right to be informed by the Administrator without undue delay of a breach of personal data security received by the Administrator, if it is likely that a breach of personal data security will result in a high risk for the rights and freedom of natural persons.

10. The right to contact the Office for the Protection of Personal Data
The data subject has the right to contact the Office for the Protection of Personal Data ( in the event that he discovers or believes that the Administrator or processor is processing his personal data in violation with the protection of the private and personal life of the data subject or in violation of the relevant legal regulations.

11. Information about customers is stored in accordance with the applicable laws of the Czech Republic , in particular with the Personal Data Protection Act No. 101/2000 Coll. as amended by later amendments and regulations. We use all data obtained from customers exclusively for the company's internal needs and do not provide them to third parties. Without the express consent of customers, we handle their personal data only and exclusively to the extent permitted by the Personal Data Protection Act, primarily in § 5 paragraph 2 letter b) and in § 5 paragraph 6.
The protection of personal data of the buyer, who is a natural person, is provided by the Personal Data Protection Act.

The customer agrees to the processing of his personal data:
first and last name,
residential address / registered office,
identification number,
tax identification number,
e-mail address,
telephone number (hereafter referred to as "personal data").

The customer agrees to the processing of personal data by the seller, for the purposes of realizing rights and obligations from the purchase contract and for the purposes of maintaining a user account. If the buyer does not choose another option, he agrees to the processing of personal data by the seller also for the purpose of sending information and commercial messages to the buyer. Consent to the processing of personal data in its entirety according to this article is not a condition that would in itself make it impossible to conclude a purchase contract.

The customer acknowledges that he is obliged to provide his personal data (when registering, in his user account, when ordering from the web interface of the store) correctly and truthfully and that he is obliged to inform the seller without undue delay of a change in his personal data.

The seller can entrust the processing of the buyer's personal data to a third party as a processor. Apart from the persons transporting the goods, personal data will not be passed on by the seller to third parties without the prior consent of the buyer.

Personal data will be processed indefinitely. Personal data will be processed in electronic form in an automated manner or in printed form in a non-automated manner.

The customer confirms that the personal data provided is accurate and that he has been informed that this is a voluntary provision of personal data.

In the event that the buyer believes that the seller or the processor is processing his personal data in violation of the protection of the buyer's private and personal life or in violation of the law, especially if the personal data are inaccurate with regard to the purpose of their processing, can:

ask the seller or the processor for an explanation,
demand that the seller or the processor remove the state thus created.

If the buyer requests information about the processing of his personal data, the seller is obliged to provide him with this information. The seller has the right to request a reasonable payment not exceeding the costs necessary to provide the information for the provision of information according to the previous sentence.

Supervision over the area of ​​personal data protection is carried out by the Personal Data Protection Office of the Czech Republic.
The seller's information system has been assigned a registration name and number.
Sending business messages and saving cookies

A visitor who fills out any form on the page agrees to send information related to the seller's goods, services or company to the buyer's email address and also agrees to the seller sending business messages to the buyer's email address.

The visitor agrees to the storage of so-called cookies on his computer . In the event that it is possible to make a purchase on the website and to fulfill the seller's obligations from the purchase contract without so-called cookies being stored on the buyer's computer, the buyer can revoke the consent according to the previous sentence at any time.

Third parties
The seller informs this buyer that, in accordance with the provisions of ZnOOÚ, when processing the buyer's personal data, it is assumed that the buyer's personal data will be provided and made available to the following third parties in connection with the performance of the contract, or range of beneficiaries:
Transport companies
Credit provider in the case of installment sales


Contact us

Hotel Zlatý lev is located in the center of Jablonec nad Nisou • ID number: 25472461, VAT number: CZ2547241
The company is registered in the commercial register, maintained by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, section C, insert 19680 

  1. Address: 
    Hotel Zlatý Lev
    Kostelní 19/1, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou, Czech Republic
  2. Operations Eva Žižková: +420 736 490 493
  3. Reception: +420 483 333 000
  4. E-mail:
Hotel Zlatý Lev Jablonec nad Nisou Czech Republic




Kostelní 19/1

Jablonec nad Nisou
466 01

Czech Republic